38°C todae!! Lazed around in the house this morning, before deciding we needed to brave the heat and get out of the house!!
Took the train to 上海新科技站 for lunch. China’s train station is very similar to Singapore.
Topping up our ez-link card.

Entering train station (Tap card like spore, then push the gate)
Inside the underground station. Black walls and dark tunnels look a lil bit scary.
2 types of trains (as shown on the green signboard: 6 cabin & 8 cabin) So don’t anyhow stand right at the end like spore, and have to chiong to the middle when the 6 cabin train comes!!
Train schedule (Accurate to the seconds!! Ok lar, the train usually reaches when shows abt 10-15seconds.)
Went to 上海亚太新阳服饰礼品市场 @ 上海新科技站. Many imitation goods there, with many shops previously from the famous Xiang Yang Market which has now closed down. But the things are rather expensive, about same price as spore.

We were too hungry to shop though. Searched around the上海亚太新阳服饰礼品市场, but could not find any food place other than a restaurant and KFC.
My lunch: Zinger meal with a super duper nice Summer Drink!! (Its some ice-cream float in sprite & aloe vera with a bit of lime taste. Forgot the name though. Chinese words are so hard to remember :S)

After lunch, we went to 世纪广场 (Century Square) which was just nearby. And we were super roasted!!
Me and my roomie (Pei Lin) @世纪广场

Walked along this bridge linking世纪广场 to 世纪公园.
Dried up pond!
Me and fellow intern, Chen Si @ the end of the bridge. 世纪公园 (the trees & lake) in the background.

Next, we took train to 世纪大道站 in search of some nice shopping places. We kinda got lost. Saw many computer malls, like sim lim square. After walking super long, we finally found a departmental store 八百半, which is like taka, and the things are just as expensive as spore. Found some nice food malls nearby too.
Taking pictures to record down 外卖 contacts. But most of the 外卖 don't deliver so far. Even from 上海新科技站 which is only 2 train stops away, they also don't deliver (maybe its very far for them using bicycles). Arghhh...deprived of food @ our ulu long yang home.

At night, some smu students (who have been in shanghai for 3 months already) brought us out to 夜市. We took train to a quite far station 耀华路站.
Interesting! Bin for the explosives @ 耀华路站. The lid is rather heavy.
Recording the last train timings, some of which are like super early @ 9 plus!!
From 耀华路站, we walked to the 夜市, which i forgot the name again!! Many small roadside stalls. Rather 热闹.
But then got police come to chase the stalls away. And very quickly, suddenly, the streets become super empty!!
Some food stalls along the way.
Had our dinner @ this 大排档 at one of the small roads nearby. Can pick the raw food on the table and the chef will cook it.
Our first 2 dishes 冷菜(毛豆 and some wierd chicken stuff/intestine?? recommended by the chef. Hope we dun lao sai tmr! But that weird chicken stuff tasted rather nice.)
Ordered a total of 8 dishes for 7 pple, which cost slightly less than 100RMB. Finally, we had a cheap & nice dinner!! The most satisfying meal we had since we arrived in shanghai. The 2 nicest dishes was the 皮蛋豆腐 and the spicy 三成肉.

We were eating halfway, then they suddenly switch off all the lights!! Coz the police were driving past the main road, and that illegally setup roadside stall wanted to avoid being found.
After dinner, we cabbed to 吴江路美食街 near 南京西路.

Real tree in this shop!! Shop was built around this tree! Tried the 招牌芒果沙冰, which is very nice with sago inside!
Very very nice dumplings from this stall!! Seems a bit like 汤包. Tasty soup inside the dumpling. Had quite a hard time trying not to spill the soup.

Learnt that 两actually means 4 pieces of dumplings. I thot it meant 2 onli!
Nice barbeque stuff (eg. 肉串)at this stall, but we were already too full to really try out the food.

Opposite this 吴江路美食街 is the 吴江路休闲街(Wujiang pedestrial street) with many shops, but were long closed by the time we reached.

It's been a long day out! Time to catch some slp...Nitex...