It’s 40°C todae!!
Went to police station this morning to make our temporary housing permit. After that, chen si’s dad’s fren’s driver brought us to this restaurant for some 西安特产 food.
Went to police station this morning to make our temporary housing permit. After that, chen si’s dad’s fren’s driver brought us to this restaurant for some 西安特产 food.
西安 food tend to have vinegar, which gives the food quite a refreshing taste!! Much much better than the soya sauce food commonly found here.
Went to 新世界城shopping center @ 人民广场站 in search of some office clothes for my housemates. But the clothes are not much cheaper than spore. Luckily i brought enough.
And 七折 actually means pay 70% of the price. I thot 七折 means 70% discount!! Direct translation to english mah. Arghh.
Super short me with yaoming's wax figure @ the wax museum ticket booth in 新世界城shopping center.There was some performance outside the shopping center.
Then we walked along the 南京路步行街. Wanted to walk to the 外滩(bund) at end of 南京路步行街, but needed to catch the last train back. Argh, another day ba.
Trams along the 南京路步行街.
Our dinner @ yong tau foo style 麻辣烫.
Finally, some 小笼包!!
Suppose to suck the soup from the lil hole on top! Quite salty!! Tink just bite and eat the 包with the soup nicer..
This strawberry yoghurt drink is super nice!! Almost couldn't order it! Coz couldn't read the chinese name of yoghurt! lolx..
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